
Atherton Tablelands

Museums & Galleries Trail

It’s no surprise naturally beautiful environments attract artists and the Atherton Tablelands has become a mecca for creative spirits who find inspiration in the peaceful surroundings.

Art and the region’s cultural and natural history can be found on the idyllic, easy drive Museum & Galleries Trail that meanders through the small villages and towns.

Paintings, pottery, traditional crafts, handmade jewellery, furniture and fashion can be experienced on this trail.

Along the trails, be amazed at the ingenious and “make-do” attitude of the early settlers at a living historic village museum, the enchantment of precious stones in a crystal cave and wonder at the “windows” into the past offered at museums dedicated to mining, pastoral and agricultural industries. Learn about the vital military role the region played in World War II.

Start: Kuranda or Ravenshoe

Duration: 2 – 4 days

Print: Atherton Tablelands Museum & Galleries Trail


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